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Big Questions with Cal Fussman

Oct 30, 2018

The author of the New York Times best-seller When joins Cal at Chicago Big Ideas week and gives him advice on the best time of the day to eat, exercise and hold meetings. Not to mention the worst time of day to make important decisions.

He also explains to Cal how people will be watching television and consuming...

Oct 23, 2018

Cal talks with Rob Lawless about the changes in travel since Cal went around the world back in the 80s. Whereas Cal used magazine work to get his journey off the ground and then was passed around the world by the people he met, Rob now uses the Internet to keep his trip going.

Rob has a goal of talking with 10,000...

Oct 16, 2018

Aston Martin’s president tells Cal about the circuitous journey that took her from jumping rope as a girl in Louisville, to the tennis team at Notre Dame, to law school, to working three jobs to make ends meet at age 27, all the way to the top of the iconic British car company. And then she made Cal feel like James...

Oct 9, 2018

The Grammy Award-winning saxophone player gets to the essence of the way we can all get the most out of our lives through the art of being awake.

From the time he was a boy who’d contracted polio and found the saxophone to improve the strength of his lungs, David Sanborn has been making a series of connections that...

Oct 2, 2018

Cal meets the best-selling author at an entrepreneurial conference in Colorado called two12 and becomes highly curious as to how Ryan can be a writer and ALSO an expert at marketing books, as well as positioning companies. Generally, when a person has one of those talents or skills, he or she is lacking in the other...