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Big Questions with Cal Fussman

Oct 22, 2024

It may be too late for Cal. His kids are 30, 27 and 22 years old. But it may not be too late for you or your friends to take your kids with you to vote. If it takes your kids out of school for a few hours, they may remember it for their rest of their lives, and it can be the first step in an education about democracy...

Aug 6, 2024

Cal finds out lots of things he never knew about someone he thought he knew . . . at that person’s funeral. It got him to think about how well we know each other, and how well we connect . . . which sparked him to figure out a way that will enable you to connect better. This short podcast could change your life.

Jun 25, 2024

In his quest to go deep into artificial intelligence, Cal comes across a most unusual guest. Theresa Fesinstine speaks to AI in a most uncommon way – as if it were human. Almost as if she were a really good high school English teacher talking to her students in the most caring way. There’s research that says this...

May 21, 2024

Cal talks with the co-founder and former CEO of Whole Foods about the journey he took from shirtless 22-year-old hippie hitchhiking in Austin on acid to creating and running the health food empire. And what a wild trip it’s been – as evidenced in his new book: The Whole Story, Adventures in Love, Life and...

Apr 30, 2024

When Cal was young, he was educated as a journalist not to sell. He was taught to interview and write and stay on the editorial side of the wall that separated the two sides of publishing. The selling was to be done on the other side of the wall by the sales department. Cal lived by the rules and could never see himself...